Comp Exam

Hello and welcome to my USC Annenberg Master’s Comprehensive Exam! Within these pages, you’ll discover a comprehensive presentation featuring both written and visual components showcasing my proposed Lululemon apparel line launch tailored for women’s basketball enthusiasts.

SWOT Analysis

This is an analysis of Lululemon’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the competitive athletic apparel industry.


This infographic provides a visual overview of Lululemon’s significance in the athletic apparel sector, along with key insights into the company’s profile.

Creative Brief

Through this, you will gain insight into my Lululemon’s basketball campaign, including its target audience, objectives, and the platforms where the advertisements will be visible.

News Release

Discover further information regarding Lululemon’s basketball campaign, BasketBold, by exploring the news release.

Brand Storytelling

Take a look at the campaign’s social media posts, out-of-home advertising, and blog post.

Disclaimer: All content included in this page are for academic purposes and has no affiliation with Lululemon and Juju Watkins.